Heart of the Sunrise


I would like to thank Gyula for sending me his original art work title" Heart of the Sunrise."

Today the sun did rise just as On'an promised and today is a new day and I have hopes that tomorrow will be even a better day.

Thank you for all of your support and words of wisdom and Gyula your art work which I do love so much.. keep them coming 🙂

enjoy this sunrise and music from my heart.

With lots of Love,

4 Replies to “Heart of the Sunrise”

  1. On’an.It was your promise that came thru .. the sunrise :)The warm love that flows in Opera is received loud and clear.with loveEve

  2. QuĂ© bueno que estĂ©s por aquĂ­ de nuevo… y con una sonrisa y una imagen magnĂ­fica. Y Enya es tan relajante siempre…:-*How good that are here again… and with a smile and a magnificent image. And Enya is so relaxant always… :-*

  3. HI G,thank you for your wonderful work of art to help me feel happy about the sunrise.I am blessed to have such great friends who really do care :)thank you again for your love and friendship.LoveEve

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