Bush Impersonator

Hello again ,

I don't usually post political issues however, this link is a really funny video and a must see for any non Bush lover 🙂


Here's a good laugh.This Bush Impersonator is very good. He has been on Leno's show. I remember
the impersonators beginning with Kennedy, who was excellent.

We all have to have a good sense of humor.

Hope you enjoy!


7 Replies to “Bush Impersonator”

  1. Hi Eve,This is really, really funny. We have the same here in Holland with Balkenende.They ask for it to make such videos. I like it :)Truus

  2. HI Everyone,thank you for taking the time for the video. I really enjoyed it and found this guy to be so funny and really looks and sounds like Bush.I hope you all can see the academy awards I am sure there will be alot of Bush bashing on it since the host .. hates him hahah.Thank you all again for commentings and YES .. I am starting to feel better the meds are doing their job and also I am sleeping better with the cough medicine with codine in it :DLove to all,Eve

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