El Flamenco Del Rumi

I find this song to be enchanting and magical.
blending both Spanish and Arabic to a find blend of passionate and spiritual music.

Oliver Shanti has a vast knowledge of many culturs of music and emotions.. I do hope you all enjoy.. I couldn't find the translation for these words.. just feel them.
Oliver Shanti & Friends – Alhambra – 05 – El Flamenco del Rumi.wav

Work of Maqamat of al-Hari, painted in Bagdad in 1237, that represents a caravan of travelling accompanying with music by trompetas and timbals.

" Extasis is the state that happens when music is heard" (Kitab adab al-sama ua al-uaÿd). Al-Gazalí (1058-1111)

And Islam was the crucible of a musical art that was shaped like fruit of a permanent interaction between Arabs, Persian, Turkish and Hindu. This sandal an extensive area of Western Asia and North Africa whose musical culture is dominated by the arabófonos Islamic towns, persófonos and turcófonos and is integrated by classic, folkloric and modern a system only although heterogenous in which they are including liturgical music. The towns of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia ex–Soviet and the Caucasus share elements of this system of peripheral way. The musical tradition of the Islam goes back to its abrahámicos and mosaic origins. The ritual songs and dances characterized to the religion of the Children of Israel, as it is verified in Biblical histories of Moisés and David, La Paz is with them (cfr. Génesis, 31, 27; Exodo 15, 1-21; 2 Samuel, 6, 5). In the first book of Samuel, chapter 10, versicle 5, we can read: "… when entering the city you will be with a group of prophets lowering of excelso, preceded of salterios, eardrums, flautas and harps, and prophesying " ; and in chapter 16, versicle 23: "When the spirit of God seized of Saúl, David took the ARPA, it tolled it with his hand, and Saúl felt lightening and well-being, because the bad spirit retired of him" . The first musical practice of the Islam was and is in the mosque. This consists of the call to the oration in charge of muecín, to which it can judge by the emotional impact of voice and its musical fraseología. The second fundamental music of the Islam in the mosque is the reading or salmodia of the Corán Asylum, work entrusted to a solista, the almocrí (of the muqrí Arab ) that uses a profuse ornamentación. This developed ' ilm al-qiráa , "science of the recitación".

When arriving the time from the translations grecolatinas, the Greek musical tradition happened to comprise of the Islamic civilization. What it was imitated of Greek music was not superposed to the own parameters, but that served to enrich them. That time the musiqí Greek word like musiqa entered the Arab. The preIslamic Arabs indifferently had a generic term denominated guiná for song and music (cfr. H. Touma: The Musique arabe , Buchet-Chastel, Paris, 1977). Thanks to the translations to Greek, siríacos, Persian the text Arab and sánscritos, made in the House of the Wisdom (to see aside), occur to know the theories musical Pitágoras de Samos (580-500 a.C.), Aristotle (384-322 a.C.), Aristóxeno de Tarento (- a.C.), Nicómaco de 350 Gerasa — Gerasa or Ÿerasa was one of the cities of the Decápolis, whose ruins are located in the north of Jordan — (fl. 100 d.C.), and Claudius Ptolomeo (90-128). The Greek conception of music like like "science of the manufacture of melodías", declares already in al-Mausilí Ishaq (m. 849), spreads by everybody Islamic one and opens to the way to a panorama totalizer of the vocal and instrumental phenomena, basing on the scientific principles of the classic Antiquity.


And in the first times of Islam, music was considered like a branch of the philosophy and the mathematics. In this field the creators and theoreticians were the philosophers. Al-Kindí was the first great theoretician of music Was masterful as much in the theory as in the practice, since it added a fifth cord laúd (you in Arab), with which was reached the double eighth without resorting to the change. When using the alphabetical annotation for one eighth was more far than the Greek musicians. Like doctor, al-Kindí realized therapeutic value of music, since, according to a narration, it tried to cure with her to a quadriplegic boy, after to have been useless the science of all the orthodox doctors. Five of their fifteen treaties have only survived on music, in one of which the musiqí word is used for the first time, in the title. The precedent created by this philosopher-musician was followed by its intellectual successors. All of them took care of music like branch of the mathematics, considered these like philosophical discipline.


And more famous musically was al-Farabí . This eminent shií philosopher excelled so much in the theory as actually. You -Daula bloomed in the shining cut of Saif al-Hamdaní of Alepo. Several traditions assure to us that during a nuptial, al-Farabí celebration it could touch laúd until causing that the prorrumpiera audience in laughter, spilled tears or fell asleep. These same sources assure that it invented rabab (rabel) and qanún (pressed zither), although is very possible that it was limited to improve them. His pen they left five books of music, one of which, Kitabu al-Musiqa to al-Kabir "the Great Book of Music", is the more important theoretical work about music in the Islam. It was translated to the French by erudite Baron Rodolphe to d'Erlanger (1872-1932) and published by P. Geuthner, Paris, 1959. In her, al-Farabí it defined therefore the emotional power of music: "the man and the animal, under the impulsion of their instincts, emit sounds that express their emotions, as they can be the one of joy or fear. The human voice expresses greater variety – sadness, tenderness, rage -. These sounds, in the diversity of its notes, cause in the person that listens to them, such shades of feelings or passions, raising to him, controlling to him or tranquilizing to him " . From Pitágoras, al-Farabí developed the acoustic and mathematical part eminently, starting off of the cord, and a cosmogonic speculation that religa with another fact, this time a word, that soon happened to Muslim Spain; tarab (in Arab "fit", also "been extático", "embeleso mystical"), that gave origin" to the trovador "word; tarab was used in al-Andalus to designate sings.

According to the Irish investigator Henry George Farmer (1882-1965), "his study of the physical and physiological principles of the sound really surpasses the Greeks" . Al-Farabí was a deep mystic, and in the ritual of different sufíes brotherhoods some of their compositions are still sung. The last great theoretician of music in the Islam was Avicena (to see aside). This doctor and philosopher inclusó in its philosophical works, mainly al-Shifá ("the treatment") and al-Naÿat ("the Salvation"), lengths chapters on music. Its contribution is in the detailed description of the used instruments then and in the treatment of points of Greek theory musical that they have not been conserved. The sufismo or Islamic misticismo was the cause of which music acquired respetabilidad. For the Muslim mystics music is means to obtain the emotional, extático state, that precedes to the inspiration. An early asceta, the alchemist and Egyptian mystic Abul-Faid al-Misrí Dhu al-Nun (796-861), made a fine distinction to refute the arguments of certain orthodox jurists against music: "Oir music exerts a divine effect that moves the heart towards God. Who the listening spiritually arrives at, but that listening sensually falls in the sin " .

The Brothers of the Purity , in their "Epistle on music" say the following thing: "You have to know, brother mine, hopefully God helps you to you and us covering to us with its spirit, that humors of the body are of many classes, and that the nature of the animals also is very varied. To each humor and each nature it corresponds a rate and one melodía whose number only can be counted by All-powerful and Great God. You will find test of the veracity of which we finished saying, as well as of the exactitude of whatever we have written, if own takings in consideration that all the towns of the humanity have melodías and rates that give enjoyment them and delight to their children, and that each one of these styles and rates delights solely to such that they have created it. This it is the case of the music of the dailamitas, the Turks, the Arabs, the Armenians, the Ethiopians, the rum and other towns that differ to each other by their language, its nature, its character and its customs " .


Thanks to the efforts of this moralist, philosopher and theologian, music paid attention like constituent characteristic of the rituals of the Muslim mystical brotherhoods, as it is the case of the mevlevíes, the sufí brotherhood of derviches, founded on Konia (today Turkey) by ar-Rumí the Persian poet Ÿalaluddín (to see aside). The mevlevíes (of the maulana, mevlana Arab voice in Turk, "our teacher", it sobrenames of ar-Rumi '), reach the mystical éxtasis (uaÿd) by virtue of the dance (sama ' '), symbol of the dance of planets. Derviches (of Persian darwish: "visitador of doors") mevlevíes they turn on itself until obtaining the éxtasis. The dance is accompanied by flautas, atabales, tamboriles, that species of called violins kamanché, and laúdes of long mast like saz Turkish. This musical tradition was developed through the ceremony maulawiyya call Ain Sharif, that has had famous composers like Mustafá Dede (1610-1675, Mustafá Itri (1640-1711), or derviche Alí Siraÿaní (m. 1714). Another characteristic of the Islamic misticismo is dhikr ("memory, memory, invocation of the names of God"). Dhikr is the repetition of some laudatory word in accompanied exaltación of God or not of rythmical movements, music and dance. Rumí said: "sama '' is the adornment of the soul that helps this one to discover the love, to experience the chill of the encounter, to undress of the veils and to feel in the presence of God" (cfr. Eva de Vitray-Meyerovitch: Mystique ET poésie in Islam, Djalal Uddin Rumi ET l'ordre DES derviches tourneurs, Desclée De Brouwer, Paris, 1972).

Just some educational information about music in Islam.

Ma Salaams


6 Replies to “El Flamenco Del Rumi”

  1. Hi, Eve. Intrersting post. Thanks for signing my book… about the dog’s shampoo. I was about to say that probably you can compress the .wav adio file to mp3 as it is 10 times lighter and it takes 3 minutes for me to download or upload from my dial up connection.Maybe your computer can do it through winamp, or whern you save the file, you may try to save as filename.mp3.I use Audioactive Productiosn studio. Maybe you can download free software from download.com, to mconvert wave files into mp3 so it will be easier for me to listen your files. Thanks for the valued info here. I like Turkish an Indian music.

  2. HI Rogerleos.I have the mp3s and I convert them to small wav files to take less room in my files on Opera.I don’t understand what you are speaking about here? :(The files should be smaller and take less time for you to download.. yes? I can email you this song in mp3 if you like..please advise me as to what you mean.Eve

  3. Marhaban Eve,Unfortunately I couldn’t open the music file :(The things you talk about in this post might be subject in my blog in the future as well. I’m too much interested in that and there’s so much about it that I really admire. So much that I was careful enough not to post it until now since I’m still a newbie to the blogging thing.Shokran gazeelanElmar

  4. HI Elmar,ALF ONE :)I look forward to your posts on this subject.. Music and religion is very high in my list.I use to sing in the Protestant choirs on radio and tv and to sing for God in any religion is a pure gift. You must tell me how you learned such good Arabic :)Eve

  5. HI Qbone I know you do love Rumi and this is one reason I posted this other than I too love Rumi and the poetry and music .LoveFatimah

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