Sacred Ground


Each culture has it's own Sacred Ground

however aren't we all from the same planet ?
Why do we not chose to consider all of our earth SACRED?

In the morning when the sun rises,
YOU won't find this view on Mars ..

and in the evening when the sun sets…

The peace surrounds us we feel it?

Nature gives us pure water is this not SACRED?

Nature also provides us with power, also not SACRED?

The earth is our playground, it's a gift .

All thisSACRED BEAUTY leads back to the Creator

Created all this and more for everyone.

With Love,

Fatimah [/ALIGN]

15 Replies to “Sacred Ground”

  1. This is wonderful and so true! We should treat this earth, (our earth) as sacred. Thanks for reminding of of this.Love,Sarah

  2. HI Sarah,Thank you for seeing the message inside the words and photos and mostly, my heart.after living in Egypt and seeing how they treated their scared ground, the Pryamids it really made me sick also the Nile River.. It’s not just there but as you know here in USA too as in other countries I am sure.Thank you againLoveFatimah

  3. Hello Ramute,It’s never to late unless it’s to late :)thank you for your comments alwayslove Fatimah

  4. This is a wonderful post: music, photos and your words from your heart. Great Mother Goddess said, that once the Whole Earth was one flourishing organism. And now we have a posssibility to become that. It’s not too late, if we try, each in his special way. Love,Ramute

  5. Hi Fatimah,Your words and pics go well with the music. You always find the right songs to go with your posts. I agree with Sarah and Ramute. Thanks for reminding us of how beautiful Nature is :up:Love,Marcus

  6. It is a very big and important theme!I think that all of our Earth (like our Mother) will be SACRED, when all people consider to SACRED human life, LIFE at all!Earth is not a place of peace, yet!Yes, on our poor Planet -Mother, there are still exist so many wars with so many awful faces! First of all we (people) must achieve peace for all and everywhere!First of all We all must to say in our hearts: NO MORE WARS, because we are all human beings! There are no other future for people and Earth, but only Peace!Thank you for this important theme, Eve!Best regards!Nik

  7. HI Nik,You are so right however, with history you will see there was always wars and I do believe it will continue even long after we are no longer breathing.I know that the hearts of many has changed in the past years however, not enough hearts have had enough to make them say “ENOUGH !!!!”A human life is very percious and no matter how it ends it’s a loss to all of us.Thank you Nik for the words that came from your heart, I am very happy you walked out of the shadows.I enjoy seeing others hearts as well as them seeing mine :)Fatimah

  8. Hola, Fati, una buena m煤sica y un buen texto. :)”Each culture has it’s own Sacred Ground”. S铆, Sacred Ground (Tierra Sagrada) es un s铆mbolo universal 铆ntimamente unido a la conciencia de la Humanidad desde sus or铆genes. Es un concepto religioso (por eso lleva el adjetivo Sagrado).Para los antiguos griegos, la Tierra era una diosa llamada Gea (de ah铆 deriva el vocablo Geolog铆a), una diosa Virgen que engendr贸, sin ninguna intervenci贸n masculina, un hijo: el Cielo. A partir de entonces, el Cielo, su hijo, la cubrir铆a para siempre y se har铆a su esposo. El Cielo aportaba la chispa divina de la Vida que la Tierra recog铆a en su seno… y la Tierra fue as铆 pariendo a todos los seres de la Creaci贸n…Y se llama entonces Tierra Sagrada a aquellos lugares en los que Gea y Cielo se unen. Por regla general, son lugares situados en alturas, casi siempre en monta帽as, lugares dotados de una especial fertilidad, de fuentes, de r铆os, de lagos…; pero tambi茅n son los templos, lugares en conexi贸n con el esp铆ritu… incluso el hombre es una tierra sagrada (uni贸n de una tierra arcillosa con el soplo divino en la visi贸n del G茅nesis)…Hoy, esta maravillosa visi贸n ya no existe. Gea, la Tierra, ya no es una diosa a la que se respeta y venera, sino que es un recurso econ贸mico. El Cielo ya no es la fuente de la chispa divina, de la Vida, sino que es un recurso militar, un espacio de espionaje y de futuras guerras. Los frutos de la Tierra ya no son santos, nacidos de una diosa y cielo sagrados, sino s贸lo dinero. El hombre ya no es hijo de la tierra y del cielo, as铆 que el hombre ya no es sagrado ni santo; el hombre ha dejado de ser el Templo de Dios. Se destruye a la Tierra y se destruye al Hombre. Y esta profanaci贸n s贸lo puede tener consecuencias nefastas: la muerte, la destrucci贸n. Los cient铆ficos dan gritos de alarma, pero los pol铆ticos est谩n sordos. Y la mayor铆a de la gente es, sencillamente, ignorante de estas cosas. Caminamos, como locos, hacia el abismo de la autodestrucci贸n.————Hello, Fati, a good music and a good text. 馃檪 “Each culture has it’s own Sacred Ground”. Yes, Sacred Ground is an universal symbol intimately together to the Humanity’s conscience from its origins. It is a religious concept (for that reason it takes the Sacred adjective).For the old ones Greek, the Earth was a called goddess Gea (of there drift the word Geology), a Virgin goddess that engendered, without any masculine intervention, a son: the Sky. Starting from then, the Sky, his son, would cover it forever and the Sky would be made its husband. The Sky contributed the divine spark of the Life that the Earth picked up in its sinus… and the Earth went this way giving birth to all the beings of the Creation…And the old ones called Sacred Earth to those places in those that Gea and Sky unite. For general rule, they are places located in heights, almost always in mountains, places endowed with a special fertility, of sources, of rivers, of lakes…; but they are also the temples, places in connection with the spirit… the man is even a sacred earth (union of a loamy earth with the divine blow in the vision of the Genesis)…Today, this wonderful vision no longer exists. Gea, the Earth, is no longer a goddess to which is respected and it worships, but rather it is an economic resource. The Sky is no longer the source of the divine spark, of the Life, but rather it is a military resource, an espionage space and of future wars. The fruits of the Earth are no longer sacred, born of a goddess and sacred sky, but only money. The man is no longer son of the earth and of the sky, so the man is no longer sacred neither saint; the man has stopped to be the Temple of God. It is destroyed to the Earth and it is destroyed the Man. And this profanation can only have disastrous consequences: the death, the destruction. The scientists give alarm screams, but the politicians are deaf. And most of people are, simply, ignorant of these things. We walk, as crazy, toward the abyss of the self-destruction.[/ALIGN]

  9. Hello On’an,I really enjoy how you teach me and others who read your words as you write so vividly which allows us to understand more of the history in the real sense of all events big or small however, this time the subject refers to a large event.On’an, you are so correct in your last paragraph, ” The human race is walking towards the abyss,” and each day more self destructive actions are taking place. I wonder how much longer this will go on before the people rise up and try to change the direction of the future ? If at all.After reading the Quran several times I have seen the signs of which the Quran speaks.The population being more women than men, this relates to the wars of course and the men dying from the wars. There are many more signs which show the world is on the path to this destruction you spoke about. I worry for the future of our grand children and their children if there is such a future. Man has not learned from past history, it’s a ME ME ME society now not a WE WE WE . Thank you On’an for always bringing more depth to my short words and to enlighten our minds with more precise information. Keep it coming :)Love,Fati

  10. I have not seen any heaven so far but I can say that if here’s a heaven it’s on our Mother Earth. I have seen many such beautiful images before but the ones you have shown here would haven’t cast such a touching meaning, if you hadn’t used your powerful expressions. Thank you very much!

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