Dedicated to all my science loving readers and especially Nik.. ..
who loves the silence and science..
Thank you too for all my "SHADOW READERS"
Please sit back and enjoy this wonderful power point presentation,
scientific however very beautiful if you really think about the whole process.
Posted with love,
Hey all,Is anyone else having problems on Opera? the blog page is stuck on the same all day long I cant see any new blogs 🙁 If someone can let me know they too are experiencing this I would be so happy thank you Fatimah
Hi Fatimah,That is so sweet of you to do a post for your shadow readers. 🙂 We all know you have thousands of them. But I try not to be a shadow reader. :lol:Love ya!Sarah
Did Opera ever straighten up for you?
Did you try to browse a Blog with Internet Explorer? Try it. I am not having any problems with opening Blogs.Well, I have downloaded the two files and will view them and then comment how I find them. Have a nice day!Gopal.
Hi Fatimah!Thanks a lot for the soft music and for the beautiful presentation of our solar system and all the planets. I sometimes wonder at the wonderful and amazing brilliance of our Almighty God who’s created the whole universe full of wonders and amazing things. He is really a Great Artist!!!Thank again!Have a nice day!Gopal.
Hi Fatimah,”Shadow readers” I love the expression. Amazing powerpoint!Thanks for sharing :)Louis
Hi Fatimah,Thanks for this very interesting post! The music and slidshow were amazing! Yes, I’m a little bit of a science geek, lol.Opera was acting up for quite a while. None of the new posts or newly commented posts would show on the blog listings until this morning sometime.Love,Marcus
hey fatimah, I absolutely loved your presentation on the universe. It definitely put things in perspective…. Jen
HI Gopal no I try not to use I E .. things dont show up right there sometimes 🙁 what files did you download? thanks for checking my blog for me I guess you put the word out 😀 thanks I like how you said God was a great artist that is a good way of explaining :)Fatimah
Amazing! isn’t it?I’ve travel our MW universe a bit and beyond, can’t remember how far though.Great PP:DThanks again………..
HI Louis,I have alot of readers however they don’t comment and I can only say they stay in the shadows 🙂 thank you for enjoying the PPS .. My friend in Pakistan always sends the best PPS :)Fatimah
HI Sarah,I hope Opera is working ok now I had the same post on the blog page showing for 2 says it was not moving and I know people where blogging and Haavard said it was a site issue.Oh well I hope they fixed it..thanks for checking in with me.Love Fatimah
HI Dave,Happy to see you enjoyed science too . I was affraid this might be to technical for some.. I know I have alot of science shadow readers so I thought to post one for them.Thanks Dave you know how to puts smiles :)Fatimah
HI Jen,thank you for stopping by and enjoying the PPS .. I guess the person who made it took alot of care into doing the charts that’s alot of info don’t you think ? Nice to see you here thanks :)Fatimah
HI Marcus,I didn’t know you were into science this is nice to know 😀 I have been having problems with Opera for a few days and wondering if it was my software or them . I hope it’s fixed now thanks for commenting Fatimah
Hi, Fatimah!Thank you very much for this dedication! Thank you for this beautiful music and presentation!This is touched me!I keep reading with pleasure all your posts!You are amazing and beloved person!And I will remember you and your power to touch and wake up the goodness in people!Nik
HI Nik,Thank you for your wonderful words and feelings towards me.If people don’t tell me how I touch them … I would not know. :(I try to reach into the deepest part of ones spirit to waken the sleeping part and allow them to realise their most inner strengths. Thank you for allowing me inside always here,Fatimah