Prayers for Diem .. Answered


A while ago I rec'd a private message from my ONLINE SON

as he was going into the hospital.
I knew he was having bad headaches
and did not know until he left,
he was going into the hospital.

A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart….

I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts,
or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will
search for answers…

Tristan has been more than a friend to me even in his time of pain he was still trying
to make me happy and doing my webpage for me and also photos of my chilren since
he knew I did not have any of them all together and he made a photo of them all in one.

Today, I rec'd a message from him saying he is recovering and will be back to Opera soon.. So I really do feel those who was praying for him ..


Love to you my SON <Diem> TRISTAN

14 Replies to “Prayers for Diem .. Answered”

  1. After writing my blog post about my blood son Vinny I was sad and shut the pc off and decided to watch my dvdLegacy of the Phophet.. Mohammed. PBUH.This video gave me peace and the comfort I was looking for and then I went back online and found 2 of my friends whom I have notheard from for a while and both shared music with me as a giftof friendship and their return.One was my cloud watcher who has just returned from his country SPAINand now is back in USA .. Thank God!Then today I re’d this message from Diem, Tristan.. God takes but in many ways he gives back 3 times more.. I am so happy I can see this now where as yesterday I was deep in sadnesshowever, the lingering problem is still here only not as deep.Today is another day and as I have stated before after the darkenessthe sun will rise once more. God Gives and takes and it’s up to us to reach out and give so we maybe blessed to receive .LoveFati

  2. HI Dave,As I wrote you that was all he said nothing more , he is very mysterious and I guess he doesn’t want to worry me further I don’t I hear more I will post more about him I was hoping he did something in his blogand I went to check but I guess he didn’t have the time or energy.I am happy he did write those few lines.Thank you for sharing in all this and being there for him as well:D Fati

  3. Thanks Fati for this post and passing the news from Tristan. I have been checking his page daily for any news and have been sending vibrations out to him. He is such a wonderful and caring young man. We are all better off knowing him.Hopefully his recovery will be swift and full. Thank you again for this post and keeping the communication line open re:Tristan. :DWaiting to hear more “as time goes by”……….

  4. I felt the sadness in your words when you posted about your son VINNY. All I can give you is a support by words to don’t be upset and don’t think anything negative. Just try to think positive always… I know we are human beings and it is difficult to think positive all the time but this is the ONLY way to be successful and happy in life.Things will automatically get right we only have to wait for them. You were upset and you did a right job for that moment by watching that islamic movie and GOD was happy with you and gave you happiness over happiness. Its good to know that your friends are back now and diem is also recovering :)All my prayers are with you. sadaf

  5. Fati,Hi. I am also still praying for his full recovery. Just think good thoughts always about your friends, don’t worry God will answer prayer in one way or the other. 🙂 Not having messenger is really starting to get to me. I have tried everything I can to fix the problem but nothing yet. I have no clue really what the prob is but I am going to let someone else worry about it. It will be fixed soon. But until then I will have to rely on talking to everyone in the blog. I have so much to say :faint: but of coarse I am a woman. Oh yeah I wrote you, you should get it this week. Hope you like the letter. :heart:Sarahand for Diem

  6. HI Sarah ,thank you for your love and prayers I do know how much you pray for me and others. here is what I rec;d from Diem today again :)))) another wonderful message of HOPE.Good evening MOMI am sorry yesterday when i am writting, I could not see anything I am well now and you? let me know I was very worried about your health when I was on hospital bed.I am preparing for my studying. I will begin my studying and I am still living and curing in Ha Noi. I have left hospital for home…..Thank you MOM for your caring and your kind heartI love you too and missed you very very much . I think about you everyday. and thank you again for your music. when i was in hospital I used to hear your music and your voice…your sonTristan

  7. Sarah you wrote me : ))) YAYYYY I can’t wait to see it I will frame it LOL I know one day you will be published in your art work and your writing and I will say this letter was written by my Daughter Sarah yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 🙂 I love you and your :heart:

  8. Hi all youThank you again 🙂 I have comeback I want to write you more more more ……….but my health still is not best to do anythinglove to all you:heart:yoursTristan

  9. HI TristanI am so happy you are back on the net and healingWE all love you and pray for you LoveMom

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