The Woman…

This PPS file is dedicated
to Women.
I hope everyone will enjoy it and my lady
friends will absorb it.

Turn up your volume as it has music.

I am moving to the "HEAVEN HOUSE"
for 2 months as the owners are away
and I will be in peace once more
also NO DOGS .



6 Replies to “The Woman…”

  1. Wonderful post Fati.One never really thinks alot of just what a woman indures in a days time until someone brings it up.When I think back of days growing up I truly do not know how my mother did it.The music was soothing as well.Have a great time at heaven house dear friend.TrulySteven

  2. HI Steven,Sometimes we all need to be reminded :)thanks for the wishes I will see you soonif I have the strength left :)LoveFati

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