The Gift.. Poetry


The Gift,

I once asked a bird,
"How is it that you fly in this gravity
Of darkness?"

She responded,
"Love lifts


12 Replies to “The Gift.. Poetry”

  1. this is a poem from the book The Gift, written by Hafizmusic is from Secret Garden.. AriaEnjoy..

  2. HI It’s fixed there was 2 http: in the address sorry I thought I took it out . a song worth hearing I promise :)Thank you for telling me LoveFati

  3. I heard the song it is beautiful and so is the picture. Thanks for sharing Fatimah. :):heart:Sarah

  4. HI Sarah,I had the link wrong I didn’t know it until Ramute and Andreu told me 🙁 Thanks for coming to hear this wonderful song. loveFati

  5. HI Mohamed, I hope you heard the music as well ? thank you for checking the blog againFatimah

  6. I also was able to listen to the song too. It was realy worth. Great post.Love, Ramute.:)

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