Not Graffiti

I really believe the graffiti artist
gave way to the ideas that any building
is a canvas.

I use to know an artist who also did these kinds
of murals on business walls however, he was young
and not as experienced as this artist is.

Eric Grohe PPS

I can't explain how such art changes the view
and feeling of the area in which the buildings
are located and how this art places
smiles on the faces and inside the hearts
of those who view .

Enjoy with smiles,

2 Replies to “Not Graffiti”

  1. Hi, Fati,I like this artist. I think that he makes houses look more beautiful. Anyway it’s unique.Love, Ramute.:)

  2. Hi Ramute,I agree with you it’s hard to believe it’sthe same building right?LoveFati

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