Freedom of Speech

Our Fore Fathers built this country on this document along with the Constitution,
The Bill of Rights is the most forceful document used in our current times
and in our legal system.

Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment. The right is preserved in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and is granted formal recognition by the laws of most nations. Nonetheless the degree to which the right is upheld in practice varies greatly from one nation to another. In many nations, particularly those with relatively authoritarian forms of government, overt government censorship is enforced. Censorship has also been claimed to occur in other forms (see propaganda model) and there are different approaches to issues such as hate speech, obscenity, and defamation laws even in countries seen as liberal democracies.

I have to put my 2 cents in concerning the double sided speaking
people of the USA on this subject.

My SCOUT.. use to send me forwards full of ass kissing BUSH emails.
I explained to her I was not happy about seeing these kinds of emails
and bashing Democracy.

One day she sent me this email concerning Rosie O'Donnels statements,
which she included her own speech of " If Rosie doesn't like this country
she can LEAVE IT !!" I wrote her back and said why do the Republicans always
take away the rights of others? Why do they feel they are the only ones to have

I have had this same arugement with a guy I know since 2002, he also a Republican
and he also like my Scout same minded and I no longer talk with him, I have always made it a fact I don't like to discuss Politics or Religion due to the never ending back and forth words since we all have our own views and feelings on these subjects.
Friendships are more than forced Political or Religious beliefs.

I am not saying all Republicans are like this however, I have not met one yet, that is any differnt as these two so called friends and Americans.

So since I wrote my Scout back a forceful email, stating to her she is the one who put Bush into office and I really don't want to hear her complain of the gas prices or the lack of medical help even though SHE has medical coverage not like myself and millions WHO DON'T.

She no longer speaks to me and it bothers me that a friendship can be based
on " MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY " Attiude.

I am a true believer of our Fore Fathers documents and
I stand by them until I can no longer speak.


I am only venting here, I am not opening a discussion for politics and I
really don't want to hear from any Republicans trying to change my mind
or defend my Scout.. I do believe she has the right to say what she wants however,
I also have the right not to see her fowards and the DELETE KEY is also very tired

Getting off my platform now….


5 Replies to “Freedom of Speech”

  1. this is so funny , I just got this in an email it’s about STATE Preambles,my Scout lives in Ohio and here is Ohio’s PREAMBLE.”Ohio 1852, Preamble We the people of the state of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and to promote our common…”Our common what? THOUGHTS??? For more about Preambles visit here..

  2. I thought that ‘our common’ meant literally ‘our people’ I dunno thought. lol

  3. I don’t know either that kind of LINGO is odd Our Common could mean in direction or thoughts I don’t really know thanks for reading

  4. The Preamble to the Ohio State Constitution:”Preamble We, the people of the State of Ohio, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, to secure its blessings and promote our common welfare, do establish this Constitution.”Everybody is entitled to their own opinions, but they shouldn’t want to end a friendship just because the other person sees differently on a particular issue. We all have friends that we may not agree 100% on everything on. It’s just a part of life.

  5. Hi MarcusI think the same as you do . I don’t care what color or what religion or what mind set they have as long as they don’t try to push it down my throat as I would not do to others. Thank you for sharing this and commentingFati

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