Stranded Whales

Land of Ice

All week the media has been focusing on these 2 Humback
whales which have taken a wrong turn during their
migration tour.

Many people in boats have been watching them and concerns now due to the whales
having wounds from boats propellers.

You can read the story on this site and offer your prayers
for them.


I did a post a while ago about whales at this link..

Whales post

Enjoy the music and hold our creatures in your prayers.

With love

7 Replies to “Stranded Whales”

  1. I am astonished how much in tune you are with Great Mother Goddesss Nature. I very much cherish what people do for her. With love, Ramute, 🙂

  2. Hi Ramute,I am out of doors so much in my work, driving and enjoying the views I see daily and when I seethe news of so many people caring for just 2 stranded whalesit renews my faith in mankind.Thank you my dear friend for always feeling my :heart:with love Fati

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