All That Makes Us Human

BT Binary Universe Music

My sister and myself finished work early on Saturday
so we decided to go out for dinner and maybe to the movies.

We checked the local list of movies and they weren't the one
we wanted to see so we drove around to think where to eat dinner.

I didn't want to be around many people after working all week with
thousands in cars and stores and in my mind soooooooooo we ended up
in Mc Donalds 😉

This Mc Donalds was empty which is rare however, for us GREAT!!

The young man whom waited on us was
tall and funny and enjoyed my sense of
humor as I did his.
I noticed he resembled my son Nick,
whom I haven't seen in over 6 years.

While we were eating he came near us to
clean off the other tables
so I started to speak to him
joking and getting a response from him with smiles.

I asked him how tall he was
trying to gain a sense of Nick now..
This young man was 6'3" Nick is 6'1" ..
My oldest grandson is 6'2" my other grandson is 6'1" .

This young man continued to talk to me
saying how he just moved down from Boston to Ct
for college and I asked him what he will be studing
and he said Psychology.
I asked if my sister and I can be his first clients..
😀 He smiled

As I was speaking to him,
I was feeling happy knowing someones son was moving forward
in their life and obtaining goals
and who knows maybe this young man
will change the lives of many
after he graduates .. Look what Frued did ..

All that makes us human is times just like this..

sharing, caring and reaching out..


16 Replies to “All That Makes Us Human”

  1. That guy it kind of remembered myself, not for his height, but do him moving into a different place for college. Great you had a good time. 😉 See you around.

  2. Hi Edwin,thank you for reading and you will be great alsoonce you finish your education . I know your heart and dedication to God and Godonly gives to those whom help themseleves.See you later get online ok???Fati

  3. Hi Stomyrthank you for caring I know you mean it too.I look for small simple things to make me happy and seeing this young man whom resembled my son even in his face almost made me cry but I chose to smile

  4. McDonald’s??? Yikes – I try to avoid that place like the plague, but my kids love it!!!Your story made me think of my oldest, he’s going to be tall too.If I may ask, why haven’t you seen your son in six years? Gosh, I can’t even imagine that, I’d be missing him so badly.

  5. Hi FatimahGreat post 🙂 Meeting people who remind us of someone dear to us is always a good thing. And just having that memory of someone else in mind makes it so easy to build a rapport with the person. But the converse is also true when you meet someone who reminds you of someone you don’t like :lol:Take care.Love, JCL.

  6. Hi JCL,Thank you for reading and I know you know the history behind my story and I always lean towards young men whom look like Nick, I have yet to find one that looks like my oldest son, isn’t that strange?I work in a store with around 4 young guys and I pick on them and they pick on me and it feels so good to have this connection with them as I did with my kids.. This is one reason why I love my line of work .. :)Nice to hear from you againLoveFati

  7. Hi Into,He moved away in 98 and has been in trouble on and off and me being his Mom I have no right to discuss his case with the detectives or anyone affilated with his case .I rec’d a letter from him with promises of replying to mine however, the last one I wrote I did not hear back.Kids are blessings and yet they bring so much pain.Thanks for reading and caringFati

  8. Zen-ya,I envy you. I have just posted a response to your ” journey” and the next page I open is this page… Oh, what a wondeful contrast. Each view “right” in its own right….I envy you, coz’ I see within you that ‘verily balanced’ being who could marvel ( stand in awe as one of my friends said long long time ago in a London undercellar..) at both sides and keep one’s own head.Given to few.!! I am honoured to read you. Truly and more reverently than one could imagine. Thanks.Love or regards.. I don’t know which is more appropriateRKK

  9. Hi again RKK,Your words always honor me in such a way I feel humblein front of you ..I guess we are mutual in our feelings .. I write frommy heart and share with those who care about my heartand most of all my soul.Love to you always,Zen ya

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