Animals That Save Lives

I have seen lately on the news how pets are saving the lives of their owners, and I know first hand how my pet saved the lives of my roomates back in the 60s from a fire in an apartment I was in but not at home during that time.

Here is a news video which explains this one rescue.

Dog saves family from fire 1:19
A Dallas family lost their home and almost everything in it to a fire, but they say Lucy the dog saved their lives.

More Animal heros



7 Replies to “Animals That Save Lives”

  1. :heart:I was here . . . …….oooO……………….(….)………………..)../….Oooo……….(_/…..(…./………………..)../…………………(_/………….oooO………………..(….)…………………)../….Oooo……….(_/…..(….)…………………)../…………………(_/…………oooO………………..(….)…………………)../….Oooo……….(_/…..(….)…………………)../………………….(_/………Just strollin through to say I hope you have great DAYs. ~Hugs~

  2. Great for the animals! They are here for something, no doubt of that! I knew some examples of how animals protect and save human life before, and these examples confirm that. A pity we sometimes don’t care them enough.

  3. Hi Reza,thank you for the smiles after a long day :)Nice to see you “Here”I hope your days are full of light and love,:heart:Fati

  4. Hi Pablo,You are so right about people not caring enough for them,I see horror stories on tv also about the cruelity peopleforce on poor young and helpless animals.. I feel en eye for an eye.. in this case .Thanks for understanding and caring :)Fati

  5. Through this time I’ve seen you are a good person. It’s good to find people like this in the world. As I said once, we can help others if our influence is good. In this case, we can say too much of ourselves in how we treat animals. Earth was given for all species. I’m not sure about spiders because I hate them; well this last comment it’s just a joke 🙂 Always is good to visit your blog posts.

  6. Hi Pablo,Thank you again for saying I am a good person, I live each day with goodness in my heart and always offer to help humans and animals when needed, what goes around, comes around I feel.Spiders have their own place in nature and even though we don’t like them, they are important.Thanks for spending some of your valuable time in my blog, you are so sweet.Fati

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