Lex Comes Home… Update.

A gift that won't fit in a package..

This is the update to my post,

Christmas Story

I am so happy to read and see this video which warms my heart. Please take a few minutes
to feel the true spirit of Christmas and the working of God.

Video of Hope


not human however, the soul of one.

God bless all who helped make this possible.

Blessings and love to the Lee family.


5 Replies to “Lex Comes Home… Update.”

  1. That is wonderful news for the Lee family & Lex! Thank God that their prayers were answered! :up: I pray that this unnecessary war is ended soon! :up:

  2. Hi Marcus,Thanks for caring and I know you too care so much about what’s going onover there, bring our men home.Merry Christmas my friend,Fati

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