Internal Melody

Today is my son, Nicks birthday and he wrote a series of poetry after I posted
this last poem he wrote when younger and printed it out for him .

Nick said it inspired him to keep writing and expressing, some of you know he is in jail
for voilation of his probation and he needs to reach deep inside to touch his inner core
to write this poetry and it's healing for me to illustrate it and share it with all of you.

Emerging Consciousness

Internal Melody

The Melody of rain
Wet like the words I spoke,
The words I speak
The words I wrote.

Flashes of pain
Hot like the fire
Barely extinguished
But fed by desire.

On going tasks
Of priceless process
No wonder of failure,
Mass wonders of stress.

Faces with masks
Unfamiliar as such
Foreign feelings I have
Knows this much.

As I look around
Confused as to what I see
Not concerned with who they are,
Or what they might be.

Like water and oil on the ground
Not mixing at all
Chemically segregated
Withstanding the rise and fall

Just a fragment of space and time
Acceptance and patience,
For some peace of mind.

The time I’ve spent
Space I’ve taken,
The past gone past,
But dwelling is forsaken,

As the sun shines heat,
The days progress on
Anticipating anything
Even after it’s gone.

I don’t miss the street
I’ve changed for the better.
Consistently will express
And proven with every letter.

As Opportunities unfold
Some over seen
Reflecting finalized decisions
As crucial as it now may seem.

In the past I’ve been told
The world is what you make of it
Making the right decisions is important
For granted, it what I took of it.

Written by my son,
@Nicholas C.
Happy Birthday Nick,


14 Replies to “Internal Melody”

  1. “ongoing tasks of priceless process”oh! how i love (and understand) that line.your son is a deep boy. i think he’ll do (and is doing) good things….not all of us have an easy beginning..hugs GF

  2. Hey GFYes you are right he has so much deep inside and he reaches down and grabs it with both hands . Thanks for reading and feeling his heart.Hugs back to yaFati

  3. They say every man is a volume if you know how to read him. Changes are taking place in his life and it can be seen or felt in his writing that his life is going to be transformed.I wish him all the best! 🙂

  4. Hi Fati,What a nice poem!I would like to send my belated heartful regards to your son.Happy birthday Nick!:)

  5. Dear Fati, Your boy is on a way Home. He will manage, I am sure.Happy birthday, Nick. And all the best to you You, Fati.Love, Ramute.:)

  6. HI All,Thank you all for your kind heart felt words to Nick, I am going to print out the comments and mail the comments to Nick and I am sure all of you will be a part of his future writings now. I have 2 more poems I will post with photos and music as soon as I can compose them.Nick doesn’t ask for much from anyone and when he asked me to do this with his poetryI was honored and to read words as deep as these are a gift to anyone who reads them.Thank you all for being a part of a new beginging for Nick and helping him to come home sooner.Michele, I don’t remember how old he was when he wrote that poem I know he was under 14probably closer to 11 or 12 or younger.Thank you again with love,Fati

  7. Happy Birthday Nick. What an amazing poem, it is soulful and deep, we know where he gets it from. 🙂 :heart:

  8. Hi Sarah,Thanks for reading and commenting, I know Nick will be so happy to read all your comments and feel the love you all throw his way.Thank you to Sarah for holding my hand and helping me find him :)I have not forgotten that day :heart:Fatimah

  9. HI Andreu,thank you for reading this was my sons wordsand I know you enjoyed the music too :)Fati

  10. HI Michele,thanks for your wishes I am sure Nick is going to loveall these commments and I can’t wait to see how inspiredhe gets from all of you.:heart:Fati

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