Wandering Dog and Sheep

My Sister was telling me about this news item she saw on tv and
it really touched my heart how these 2 animals were bonded.

Maggie and Daisy apparently wandered off Tuesday, when they were discovered by John Caruso, a pizza-shop owner from Sylmar who herded them into his car as they were heading toward the freeway near San Fernando Mission and Hayvenhurst.

The two were affectionate and inseparable – with the sheep following the dog everywhere, including into the car of their rescuer – and news of their unlikely friendship attracted dozens of visitors every day to the West Valley Animal Shelter.

I wish humans could learn such caring towards each other,
just think…
a wonderful world in which to live.

For the full story follow this link to the


Thanks for reading

with love,

5 Replies to “Wandering Dog and Sheep”

  1. Nice post ,animals are wonderful cruelty in this world of killing an innocent animal is discusting .

  2. I was happy to see a good ending to this story sometimes the ending isn’t so sweet :(Thanks for commenting

  3. Hi FatimahThat’s an amazing story – and it just goes to show that animals are just as capable as humans are of forming relationships and bonds. It really sickens me to see how despicably people can act towards animals.I hope you are doing well.:heart:JCL.

  4. HI JCL,yes I agree this story is amazing and the bond unbroken even in a setting not familar to either one of them. I only wish people could be as dedicated :)I am ok nice to see you here againLoveFatimah

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