

Cause you’re perfect

The way that you are

Perfect like the moon in the stars

And the sun in the sky, getting higher

Even knows when it’s time to surrender


with love,

18 Replies to “Perfect”

  1. I am addicted to this series also the music of this tv show is wonderfully done and the time period is one of my favorites.History is wonderful when done in this genre..Enjoy Fati

  2. its on showtime here in usa here is the link for the imdb is a gift for you :)

  3. haha.. he has my heart racing all the time :DHe is PERFECT ;)have you seen the series? HOT HOT HOT

  4. Im flustered when this came on the screen ,you should put a warning sign first πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ :faint:

  5. HI Cocoa,I don’t go on any forums just the website for the movies :DI dont have much time any more or energy

  6. HI Sarah,Did you see this series? it’s wild and gives you the feel thathe is the KING πŸ˜€ He’s just PERFECT ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhbtw.. nice ass too lol

  7. HI B, That’s funny .. Watch the show it will BURN YOUR MIND πŸ˜€

  8. i was just asking sorry .Im slightly down at the moment i shall pick up inshallah soon

  9. HI Cocoa,Sorry you are feeling down we all have our ups and downsthat’s what being a woman does to us :)Read some Sufi poetry and I promise you the light will come back into your spirit :):heart:Fati

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