
As usual my scout sent me this link and I tried it out.

Here is the results which I find so true..

Your an adventurous person with a limitless

Your never affraid of a challenge, and you see
beauty even in the most inhositable environments.

You have a pioneering attitude to life- always
moving to the next challenge.

when it comes to art, nothing is more impressive
than high fashion.

Hefty price tags are definately worth it.

so much more is listed I won't bore you 🙂

Take the challenge all you have to do is click
on the photos which inspire you ..


It says my profile is "WILD CAT " WHAT?????

2 Replies to “Youniverse”

  1. i think i also had “wild cat” but other than that it was different. i will send it via e-mail if i can figure out how to save it 🙂

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