New Cds to Be Released November 4th

I was watching Oprah on Friday
and she had on Andrea Bocelli.

He sang 3 songs and of course they brought tears to
my eyes hearing his angelic voice and heart.

Andreas' new cd, "Incanto" is all new and inspired.

Enya also is having a new cd released ..
"And Winter Came"

Oprah also had on Il Divo earlier in the week they too have a new
cd being released this week called,
"The Promise"

Sarah Brightman also has a new cd coming out at the same time.
"A winter Symphony"

I know what I am buying this week.. such a great blend of my favorite
recording artist and all being released at the same time..

A gift worth giving to yourself and to others..

Share the love and magic..

with love,

6 Replies to “New Cds to Be Released November 4th”

  1. Hi Mickey,If I didn’t see him on Oprah I wouldn’t know either :)Happy to share with you the good news 🙂

  2. Didn’t know that Andrea Botecelli had a new album out.That’s Mum’s Christmas present sorted. Thanks.

  3. Hi Fati,I’ve got to check some of those artists out. I’ve always liked Enya. I know I’ll probably get Winter Came. Is it good?-David

  4. HI David,Enya and Sarahs cds are mostly Christmas music which is new not the older kindand of course fantastic :)Opera of Il Divo and Andreas is excellent always.enjoy the music of the season it’s worth it.Fati

  5. HI Andreu,I know how much you love this kind of music too I hope you enjoy it all 🙂

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