Look out curves ahead !

It's odd when you finally decide on turning one way on the path a curve comes along and BAM, you are swerving .

I took a position in a private school here in Cairo teaching English, I have never taught children before I have taught young adults before and mostly for converstaion purpose only.

I now have a future here in Cairo and I am surrounded by really nice women and men who do speak english however, not GREAT .

Is this the CURVE I was looking for or was I looking for one at all?

I came here for a purpose and I also wanted to learn more and do more in my life and make a difference to someone who may not have the chance to see the difference.

If I stay here I will be a teacher however, if I go back to small town USA I will have to work as many jobs to ensure an income like I did in 2004 and as hard as I worked, I could not afford to live on my own again how FREE is this ?

7 Replies to “Look out curves ahead !”

  1. Well, clearly you’re still looking forward to find the best for your life.
    It is also know that lots of teachers find happiness in life simply because they feel their jobs may halp someone else (a pupil).
    Honestly, I wish you the best luck ever on your new journey!
    I know the feeling of going leaving your country for a challenge. Countries are different, but good people happen to be everywhere.
    If you find good hearted people to be with you, learn from them. Because they will be also learning from the good and strong (strong for taking this challenge of living abroad) person you are.
    Keep it up!
    God bless you,

  2. Hi Dan, thank you for the reply and offering your advice it means the world to me.
    I bought my ticket today for May 1st and it feels odd when I should be very happy. Maybe I am suppose to fly 2 times a year? haha. One never knows.
    I am not a teacher normally, I had a business in USA for more than 10 years before moving to the Desert. So this teaching is new to me and so needed here.
    again thank you ,

  3. That’s weird, reading for the first time this post which you wrote one year before. So I’m looking forward to what happened in your life in between then and now. At least I know about the last two months. ;)Take careElmar

  4. Fatimah, I don’t know if you realize how intriguing your writing is to me. Curves is simply bitter sweet. I’m taking my time with your work I don’t want to miss anything, so I’m going page by page like a good book.

  5. Hi Edward,Yes I know now how much you are enjoyingmy writing. I do appreciate you very much.Thank you again Edward,Fatimah

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