Here I go again

HI All,

Here I sit in Connecticut starting all over what I was doing last year at the same time. I feel I am on a loop playing the life over and over.

I called the INN I was working at last season since some women here in the apartment house told me the job was open they had seen it in the newspaper, so I called and they were happy to hear I was back and I start on Friday May 6th.

It's a great job easy people to work for and good working conditions however, the money isn't that great.

For some reason the rich people who stay at this INN do not tip well and it's not due to the housekeeping staff being lousey I think it's due to the price of the rooms and the conditions of the rooms < not well maintained> :furious:

I voiced my opinions last season and also made some suggestions however, the owner is very tight wallet and said he put in enough money over the years and didn't want to put in any more. :insane:

I have decided to change my attitude, I GOT A NEW ONE 🙂 If this is how they want to run this INN good for them. I will take my time and do the best I can and just hope the clients do not take it out on the housekeepers.

I am also going to look for another job as I did last year to fill in the gaps. In this town there isn't to much and without a car it's totally limited.

Wish me luck, Here I go again 🙂


3 Replies to “Here I go again”

  1. HI Ez,

    Thank you so much for the nice words, and thanks for always reading my journal and others we have become close to as well.

    See now who is the best ? 🙂


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