
Today is my eldest grandson Anthony Birthday
He turns 21.

Hard to believe that it's been 21 years since he
was born and how many life times I have lived since that
blessed day.

Last I have seen him to touch him or speak to him was in 2001,
and yet it feels like yesterday he was born.

I know he is doing well and has a great job and fantastic money for his
age and experience. He also has many friends who love him
due to his personality and his sports and his team spirit,
I only wished his team spirit would include his family.

I watched a movie today " Step Up" and in this movie I heard this statement.

"Our mothers are like buses, we ride them until they put us off and we spend our lives
trying to get back on the bus."

I don't want to be that bus for any of my family members, I only want to be
visible and included some how into their lives.

He has always been fearless….
Why is he affraid to speak to me?

Happy birthday Anthony may life give you many blessings.

even if I am on the




19 Replies to “21”

  1. I am sure it’s from his Mother whom does not speak to me alsoshe is my eldest daughter and it has trickled down from her to him. He was the light into my heart from before he was born and to have him disreguard me totally really hurts and I am sure somewhere inside his heart it hurts him also.Soon I will make the effort to see him and his mother like it or not I won’t live forever. Thank you for caring

  2. Fati, “Our mothers are like buses, we ride them until they put us off and we spend our lives trying to get back on the bus.” Your sentiments ring so true! Would you believe my son’s name is Anthony also and he is 26 years of age. His birthday is next week. Great life, job, wife and now a 6 month old baby girl. I believe sometimes we raise our children to be so independant and self sufficient that they forget who gave them those values. I too have similar issues, as well you know. I have deceided to stop “begging” to be part of their life. (Begging and walking on eggshells is what I have been doing for 3 years now) I love him and pray for him from a distance. I have told him over and over again how much I love him and how special he is to me and the world, but he is living his own life now. So, I am letting him live it and say “One Day” his heart will open to receive the love I have for him and his family. I HAVE FAITH as well as I know you do too! I send you much prayers and peace with this situation and I am confident that the lines of communication will open before the close of this year.

  3. I am too I feel so much lighter in my heart even thoughthe results did not come as I hoped but I opened the doorand now it’s up to her to walk thru it. Thank you for caring it means so much to me.

  4. Elena,You are right and today I went over to my daughters house which I have not seen since 2001 and I spoke to her hoping she would have her son Anthony there however, I found out now she doesn’t see him either. He had a fight with her live in boy friend and moved out of the house and my daughter told me today she only sees him at his job and from her anger today I feel she won’t see him today also.I am happy I made the effort to speak to her and let her know I love her so much and I am here for her even if she rejects me I will never fail to love her or her son. I felt so much anger from her words not only towards me but to any one I commented to her about, I know she has every reason to be angry today as her :heart: is breaking for the same young man as mine is ……..Anthony.I am amazed how similar our lives are and how interwined they seem even without knowing each other before.Our paths crossed for great results and I feel so postive we both shall win our hearts desires in Gods time not ours.. Lessons still to be learned by all In Faith and loveFati

  5. Life Lessons are amazing aren’t they. I am very happy that a contact was made with your daughter. A step at a time and the whole family will be right back around. As I have changed and grown spiritually, so has my family. (which is LARGE to say the least) This day would appear to be a re-birth day; a resurrected company and re-opened lines of communications with the family! Let that positive energy keep flowing your way. By the way, word of mouth I already have my first customer. To new beginnings. Light and Love, EMC

  6. Thank you for your blessings and your sharing and most of allthe light that beams from your spirit.I am so happy to hear good news from your end and I do feel today was re-birth for my family and in time we shall bewhole once again.I am praying for you too and I do believe once you startthere won’t be an end :)Control your destiny, step by step.:heart:Fati

  7. How painful life can be. But love and prayers win. And you made a great step, going to your daughter. I shall pray for you too. With love, Ramute.:)

  8. Hi Andreu, I share my life to give others the hope and strengththat they are not alone in their pains and to have themknow there are actions to improve any situation.I know I opened a huge door which was closed and now it’s up to her to move forward through that door.thank you for reading alwaysFati

  9. Hi Ramute,Thank you for your prayers and also reading,Life is not all beauty and parties for someit’s very painful however, life without painis not living.Love Fati

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