Farewell Michael Jackson..RIP

Michael Jackson has been a strong influence in
the music and video industry for most of his life
and most of our lives.

I was sicken to hear of his death and to only wish
he would live forever.

Here is a video of Thiller tease, Nick my son
whom was 3 fell in love with MJ and had to have
his clothes and music and his dances..

Thank you Michael for giving me fond memories
of wonderful times and great music to dance
my ass off to.

Always loved you,

6 Replies to “Farewell Michael Jackson..RIP”

  1. Even though I was never too crazy about his music, I liked it. He was very remarkable artist and individual. Yes, he will be remembered and missed.

  2. Yeah Fatima…He was a great artist and he’ll be missed a lot. Thank you for covering this. GOD bless Michael where ever you are!

  3. Hi Alek,His visions shaped music today and also dance and videos.. his videos were the turningpoint in video creations before hisit was just looking at someone singing nothing more.

  4. Hi Amir,Very happy to see you again and to know you too will miss Michael.. Thank you for your words to Michael:heart:

  5. Hi Fati:Ben was one of my favorite songs when I was a kid. I wish Michael Jackson’s spirit well.-David

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